Build It is a charity working in Zambia since 2007. We continue to develop effective ways to help reduce unemployment and poverty.
We create opportunities for young people in Zambia through skills training and community building projects.
We continually review and monitor our work. It provides evidence of how life has changed for the people we work with.
With your support we can continue building brighter futures in Zambia. There are a number of different ways you can get involved.
Build It works in Zambia. It is a beautiful and vibrant country. However it is also one of the poorest countries in Africa. 64% of the population live below the poverty line, and 80% have no regular income (World Bank 2017).
As a result, life for many people is a daily struggle for survival. They have limited access to the basic services that many people across the world take for granted; education, health and basic sanitation.
However there is a real opportunity to make a difference.
Build It was established in Zambia in 2007. We have established effective partnerships and networks. We have strong, experienced Boards in Zambia and in the UK.
We understand the Zambian construction sector. Our construction training centre, our ‘Centre for Excellence’ on the northern edge of Lusaka, continues to be at the heart of our ambitious plans to expand our training programme. We have developed strong links with local employers and work towards international standards.ย
We are a learning organisation that seeks to constantly adapt and improve. Our carefully considered approach focuses on delivering a genuinely sustainable and measured impact on the lives of young people in Zambia.ย
Read more about What We Do.
Our work positively impacts on several global goals (Sustainable Development Goals) to make the world a better place by 2030:
UK Office
Build It International
Windsor House
Windsor Place
Shrewsburyย SY1 2BY
United Kingdom
+44 (0)7865 573443
Zambia Office
BII Zambia Ltd
Centre for Excellence
Sub Division A- Farm 9317
Great North Road
+260 211 267715
Build It International never uses the services of agents or third parties when negotiating contracts. Please contact [email protected] if anyone makes any representations to this effect.