Trainees Pass Bricklaying Exams

62 of our most recent trainees have passed their TEVETA bricklaying exams โ€“ congratulations to them! [divider_flat] [divider_flat] 64 trainees sat the TEVETA bricklaying exam in December and we are very proud that 62 passed โ€“ giving an overall pass rate of 97% for 2014. [divider_flat] Those who passed will receive their tool kits and… Continue reading Trainees Pass Bricklaying Exams

Chibolya Opens New Classroom and Kitchen

Pupils at Chibolya Community School in Mazabuka are using their new classroom and kitchen for the first time. We first worked in Chibolya in 2011, completing a new two-classroom primary school building as well as a nursery school building. [divider] Since then, the school has seen pupil enrolment rise. Parents from the local community want… Continue reading Chibolya Opens New Classroom and Kitchen

Finding a Job Workshop

Our 2014 graduate trainees have taken part in workshops to help them search, apply and secure an interview for a job in the construction industry. As part of our wider Training into Work programme, we support our graduate trainees as they develop their new careers as builders. The Finding a Job workshop is just one… Continue reading Finding a Job Workshop

Trainees Sit Bricklaying Exams

68 trainees took their TEVETA bricklaying exams last week, marking the end of 8 months of construction training. Our trainees have learnt a number of new skills whilst building new classroom blocks, teachersโ€™ housing and latrines for their communities. As part of their training they have been taught a range of construction skills, including: bricklaying,… Continue reading Trainees Sit Bricklaying Exams

Work is nearing completion at Chibolya Community School

The distinctive hexagonal classrooms now have a roof! The 20 trainees will now start work on sanding and cleaning the walls, window frames and door frames to ensure the building is ready for painting. Ramps will also be installed over the next few weeks. The separate kitchen block is also making great progress. A rocket… Continue reading Work is nearing completion at Chibolya Community School

Trainees Learn Carpentry Skills

Thanks to your support of our Training into Work programme, we have been able to introduce a carpentry skills module. 5 trainees at Lupuka and 5 trainees at Chibolya have been learning new skills as they work on the roof for the new school. We are rolling out the carpentry skills module at all out… Continue reading Trainees Learn Carpentry Skills

Training into Work at Chibolya

Twenty trainees are in the middle of their basic skills training at Chibolya Community School. The 10 male and 10 female trainee builders have taken part in an intensive basic skills course and are now getting stuck in to life on a building site. [divider] This is the second time we have worked with the… Continue reading Training into Work at Chibolya

Work is well under way at Chibolya Phase II

We first worked with the Chibolya community back in 2011, completing a new two-classroom primary school and a nursery school building. This year we are returning to build another 1×2 classroom block. Work began in April and so far the site has been cleared and fencing has been installed. The contractor, Delta Works, have begun… Continue reading Work is well under way at Chibolya Phase II